Currently Managing Director of Eutropian GmbH in Vienna and Founder of Eutropian association in Rome.

Eutropian is a planning, policy and research organisation helping urban regeneration processes. We offer assistance to municipalities, NGOs and community groups in participatory planning, policy development as well as in fundraising, cooperations and communication. We are specialised in urban regeneration, cultural development, community participation, local economic development and social innovation, with a special focus on building development scenarios on existing resources. Current project comprise:
  • Temporary use as a tool for urban regeneration: Temporary use is a planning tool effectively bringing together various stakeholders: it engages an important number of municipal and private economic development agencies and property owners, as well as cultural organisations, to elaborate potential uses of existing infrastructure and resources.
  • Rethinking food markets: is a project that aims at elaborating strategies to revitalize declining marketplaces. Public spaces are created in interaction of various social groups. Marketplaces have traditionally constituted some of the most important public spaces, however, they gradually lost their role.
  • Funding the cooperative city: In the past decade, as an effect of various social movements and the economic crisis, many actors in the architecture and planning fields recognized that traditional funding models lost their capacity to feed small-scale, community-oriented urban projects.
  • Collaborative Planning: Collaborative Planning is a process that helps connecting and bringing together different actors to help transform our cities. We work together with local communities and invite international experts from around Europe to come together and elaborate ways to intervene in a local situation
Further information

Between 2013 and 2015 Consultant at the Planning Department of the City of Rome for
  • Coordinator of the European funded Urbact Project TUTUR ( The project consists of developing temporary uses for urban regeneration of deprived neighborhoods in collaboration with other cities in Europe. The role in the project is 
    • to coordinate the international activities with partners and the URBACT Secretariat;
    • manage the activities in Rome, organise and moderate meetings with the Local Support Group;
    • supervise temporary use trasformations;
    • coordinate international and local communication and capitalisation.
  • Preparation of EU funded projects (H2020, LIFE+, etc.)
  • Support in designing proposals for the Structural Funds to be presented to Regione Lazio and European Investment Bank (EIB).

Between 2011 and 2013 Researcher at CEIT ALANOVA GmbH Research Institute and responsible for 
  • CORP Conference: between 2010 and 2013 she suppoted the organisation of the conference in content and logistics terms by developing the call for papers, reviewing contributions, chairing sessions, organising thematic workshops and arranging sponsorships.
  • Project management of EU projects:
    • ARGUS: Satellite-based navigation terminal for people with impaired visually capabilities, guiding them along pre-defined tracks using acoustic and haptic signals
    • i-SCOPE: An open platform that develops three ‘smart city’ services: improved inclusion, optimization of energy consumption, environmental monitoring
    • SATURN: Project funded under the Leonardo framework on “Development of standards on urban regeneration”
  • Collaboration on EU projects:
    • Hlandata: Harmonisation of land cover-land use geodata
    • Plan4all: Harmonisation of planning geodata
    • Preparation of EU application (content, partnership and budgeting) such as ESPON, FP7, INTERREG (IVC, SEE, CE), ICT SPS, Intelligent Energy Europe, LIFE +, URBACT
  • Responsible for the Project Space idea competition for collaborative planning workshops in various cities in Europe (Vienna, Budapest, Mannheim and Amsterdam).
  • In 2013 organised Project Space workshop (call for ideas, jury, fund raising and moderation) and exhibition booklets for the Wonderlab exhibition in Architektur Zenrum Wien.
  • In 2012 organised call for ideas, Jury review and workshop organisation and moderation in Mannheim, DE and Amsterdam, NL (in cooperation with superwondergroup and placemakers)
  • Collaborates in the Fund raising activities
  • Lectures and presentations

Between 2009 and 2012 Lecturer in Roma Tre University on series ' Density and Sustainability in Urban Planning' within the course of Prof. G. Caudo

Between 2007 and 2009 collaborator in the Marcelloni Urban Planning office in Rome.