After taking place in Vienna last August, Wonderlab will be travelling to Kiev in May of 2014, in collaboration with the CANactions architetcure festival! The call for participation ended on the 1st of April 2014. We are inviting interested parties or individuals, who missed the deadline to visit us and participate in the public events Project Space, Blind Date and Movies in wonderland. The workshop will focus on how to develop an inclusive creative cluster in the ex-industrial area of Telichka, close to the river bank of Kiev. The event will have public lectures, debates exhibitions, film screenings and much more. We hope you'll join us and support the cooperation with Kiev. There is no fee for participation and make sure to join us also for the final party on the ship!
Curators Daniela Patt and Levente Polyak
Tutors: Jim Njoo, Jord den Hollander, Orizzontale
Curators Daniela Patt and Levente Polyak
Tutors: Jim Njoo, Jord den Hollander, Orizzontale